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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 12 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015

Melodics Course by Peter Ryazanov in the Context of Dominant Doctrines in the Theory of Music in the 1920s

N. Р. Ryazanova
Price: 50 руб.
 The group of young educators at Leningrad Conservatory led by Boris Asafi ev and Vladimir Shcherbachov in the 1920s undertook the reform of the high musical education. Peter Ryazanov a laureate graduate of the class of 1925 of the Composition Department of the Conservatory, actively participated in that reform. As part of his contribution, he developed a few novel disciplines such as Melodics and Basics of Vocal Composition, he also cardinally revamped Solfeggio (for which he developed a new program and sections in the folksongs-based anthology). When the reforms started, Peter Ryazanov despite being at the very start of his career as an educator, was able to quickly build a reputation as an infl uential musician and teacher, establishing his own school of composing music. The Melodics course designed by Peter Ryazanov played a signifi cant role in that process.
Keywords: Peter Ryazanov, reformation of the composers education, Melodics course,
1. Arkhiv Ryazanova № 10, 209, 210, 211, 214, 218, 264, 277, 308.
2. Asaf’yev B. V. Muzykal’naya forma kak protsess. Kn. II. Intonatsiya // Izbrannye
trudy. M., 1957. T. V.
3. Asaf’yev B. V. Rechevaya intonatsiya / pod red. E. M. Orlovoy. M.-L.: Muzyka,
1965. 136 s.
4. Butskoy A. K. Neposredstvennye dannye muzyki (Opyt vvedeniya v muzyku).
Kiev: Gos. izd. Ukrainy, 1925. 137 s.
5. Byukher K. Rabota i ritm. M.: Novaya Moskva, 1923. 326, I–XIV.
6. Igor’ Glebov [Asaf’yev B. V.] Muzykal’naya forma kak protsess. M.: Muzykal’nyi
sektor, 1930. 191 s.
7. Iz istorii sovetskogo muzykal’nogo obrazovaniya: sbornik materialov i
dokumentov 1917–1927 / sost. L. A. Barenboym, S. M. Vil’sker, P. A. Vul’fius,
S. L. Ginzburg, E. M. Orlova, S. Ya. Trebelyova. L.: Muzyka, 1969. 308 s.
8. Kurs teorii muzyki / pod red. A. A. Ostrovskogo. L.: Muzyka, 1984.
9. Kurt E. Osnovy linearnogo kontrapunkta. M.: Gos. Muz. izd. 1931. 304 s.
10. Mazel’ L. O nekotorykh storonakh kontseptsii B. V. Asaf’yeva: stat’i po teorii i
analizu muzyki. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1982.
11. Orlova E. M. Intonatsionnaya teoriya Asaf’yeva kak uchenie o spetsifike
muzykal’nogo myshleniya: istoriya, stanovlenie, sushchnost’. M.: Muzyka, 1984. 302 s.
12. Programmy moskovskoy i leningradskoy konservatoriy / pod red.
N. Ya. Bryusovoy; Narodnyi komissariat prosveshcheniya RSFSR. M.-L.: Gosizdat,
1930. 192 s.
13. Ryazanova N. P. P. B. Ryazanov i B. V. Asaf’yev: iz istorii odnoy kollektivnoy
raboty // Opera musicologica. 2014. № 1 [19]. S. 4–26.
14. Uprazhneniya po elementarnoy teorii muzyki. L.: Muzyka, 1986.
15. Chulaki M. I. V. V. Shcherbachyov i ego shkola // Leningradskaya konservatoriya
v vospominaniyakh. L.: Muzyka, 1987. Kn. 1. S. 121– 130.
Price: 50 рублей
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