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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 12 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015

Frottole in Andrea Antico’s Publications

E. V. Pankina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article addresses the main landmarks of life of Andrea Antico, as a publisher
as well as the specifi cs of frottola collections that he has published: preponderance of the songs by North Italian singers along with the inclusion of works by the cantors of the papal choir, compact edition, and cheaper publications. The research is based on the texts of papal privileges and breves bestowed upon Antico as well as frottola compilations, which content is analysed for geographical representativeness of the songs’ composers. The author believes that characteristics of Antico as a music publisher involved combination of different types of activity, pauses in business activity; competition with Ottaviano Petrucci, a great Venetian publisher of the secular music,
fi nancial and production collaboration with others in the contrast to the then
existing practice of managing the whole publishing cycle single-handedly.
Keywords: Renaissance; Italian music publishers; frottola; Andrea Antico; Ottaviano
1. Boorman S. Ottaviano Petrucci: Catalogue Raisonne. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2006. 1281 p.
2. Canzoni nove con alcune scelte de varii libri di canto: Sculpito in Roma per
Andrea Antiquo de Montona & fatto imprimere in compagnia di Giouanbattista
Columba, Ro Miniatore per Marcello Silber alias Franck stampatore in Roma Nellanno
M.D.X.A di. IX. de Octobre. Roma, 1510. 42 fol.
3. Canzoni, sonetti, strambotti et frottole, libro quarto: Impresso in Roma per Andrea
Anticho da Montona et Nicolo de Iudicibus, 1517 adi XV di agosto. Roma, 1517. 54 f.
4. Canzoni sonetti strambotti et frottole, libro tertio: Andrea Antico, 1517 / Ed. by
A. Einstein. Northampton, Mass.: Smith College, 1941. XVII, 73 p.
5. Jeppesen K. La Frottola / Acta Jutlandica: Vol. XL/2. Aarhus — København,
1968–1970. B. I: Bemerkungen zur Bibliographie der ältesten weltlichen Notendrucke
in Italien. 171 p.
6. Le frottole di Andrea Antico da Montona / A cura di B. Jurevini, G. Radole,
S. Puppis. Trieste: La Mongolfi era, 1996. 147 p.
7. Luisi F. Il secondo libro di frottole di Andrea Antico. Roma: Pro Musica Studium,
1975. V. II: Trascrizioni. 172 p.
8. Norton F. J. Italian printers, 1501–1520: an annotated list, with an introduction.
Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1958. 177 p.
9. Prizer W. F. Local Repertories and the Printed Book: Antico’s Third Book of
Frottole (1513) // Music in Renaissance Cities and Courts: Studies in Honor of Lewis
Lockwood. Ed. by J. A. Owens, A. M. Cummings. Michigan: Harmonie Park Press,
1997. P. 347–371.
10. Vernarecci A. Ottaviano de’ Petrucci da Fossombrone: inventore dei tipi mobili
metallici fusi della musica nel secolo XV. Bologna: G. Romangoli, 1882. 288 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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