I. A. Silayeva
Price: 50 руб.
Studying the enormous fund of the Siberian Prikaz archive, N. N. Ogloblin, a famous
historian and investigator of Siberia, examined the activity of voivodes, dyaks and podyachies of Tyumen, Tara, Tomsk and Kuznetsk of the 17 th century. N. N. Ogloblin, in particular, used the documents to trace appointments of voivodes and heads, their work relations, participation in collecting yasak, and also violations of work discipline, conflicts that were quite often between administrators, and abuse of power by them.
Key words: N. N. Ogloblin, Tyumen, Tara, Tomsk, Kuznetsk, voivode, abuse, petition.
1. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo prikaza (1592–1768 gg.) / sost. N. N. Ogloblin. Ch. 3. Dokumenty po snosheniyam mestnogo upravleniya s tsentral’nym. M., 1900.
2. Ogloblin N. N. Proiskhozhdenie provintsial’nykh pod’yachikh v XVII veke // Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya (daleye — ZhMNP). 1894. № 9. Otd. 2.