M. O. Lomakin
Price: 50 руб.
The article covers the issue of Russian traditional applied arts’ revival. It proves the ne-
cessity of grounding education in traditional applied arts on the professional academic
basis and shows the function of the disciplines “Academic Drawing” and “Decorative
Drawing” in this process. The article contains a short review of the history of traditional
applied arts in Russia and teaching Academic and Decorative Drawing as academic subjects. The author traces their connection with a cycle of professional disciplines — Craft and Modelling of Traditional Applied Art Works. Based on Craft and Modelling curriculums, Academic Drawing programmes and the obtained results, the author demonstrates the necessity of teaching the disciplines “Academic Drawing” and “Decorative Drawing” to students as a basis of artistic professionalism.
Key words: traditional applied arts, professional education, academic drawing,
decorative drawing, curriculum.
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