E. A. Gorbatova
Price: 50 руб.
The article observes stylistic peculiarities of the cycle “Rural Essays” by A. N. Apukhtin,
the poet tending towards the poetics of “traditional” and not modernistic cycle-forming.
Using stylistic peculiarities of different genres (songs, essays, idylls, etc), the author
unites poems that are dissimilar at fi rst sight. The author of the article analyses the way
Apukhtin uses the collision of the elevated poetic style and description of everyday
details. The role of context is noted: it helps to compare and oppose not only texts but
also expressive meanings characteristic of this or that genre or style. Thus, based on the example of the “Rural Essays” cycle, the author of the article observes one of the most traditional and sustainable principles of cycle-forming – the principle of stylistic unity of poems that seem to be stylistically different at fi rst sight.
Key words: lyrical cycle, genre, style, cycle-forming principles, subject unity, context.
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