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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

STUDENT EVALUATION OF EDUCATION QUALITY AT UNIVERSITY (from the Experience of the Institute of Childhood at Herzen State Pedagogical University оf Russia)

S. A. Kotova, E. V. Onishchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The problem of involving students in systematic evaluation of the higher education quality is considered in the article. The authors describe the experience of working with 
students on assessing the quality of teaching and show the content of the assessment 
practice and opportunities to set long-term objectives of the education system develop-
ment on the basis of studying students’ satisfaction.
Key words: quality assessment, higher vocational education, consumer of education 
services, satisfaction of students.
1. Kotova S. A. Znachenie refl eksivnogo otsenivaniya pri otsenke lichnykh dostizheniy obuchayushchikhsya // Innovatsii v obrazovanii. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbAPPO, 2011. Vyp. 2. S. 41–45.
2. Kotova S. A. Issledovanie samootsenki gotovnosti studentov pedagogicheskogo napravleniya k psikho-diagnosticheskoy rabote // Realizatsiya idey ustoychivogo razvitiya v nachal’nom obrazovanii. Gertsenovskie chteniya. SPb.: OOO «VVM», 2014. T. 5, vyp. 3. S. 192–199.
3. Onishchenko E. V. Sistema obespecheniya kachestva v usloviyakh modernizatsii vysshey shkoly: opyt i strategiya razvitiya // Vestnik MGUU. M., 2006. № 2. S. 88–92.
4. Upravlenie kachestvom podgotovki slushateley v sisteme dopolnitel’nogo professional’no-pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya / M. I. Solodkova, D. F. Il’yasov i dr.; nauch. red. V. N. Kespikov. M.: Vlados, 2009.
Price: 50 рублей
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