N. R. Aminova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the features of the window motif in the art of the Moscow Conceptual School. The author considers the works of the brightest representatives of this direction: O. Vasilyev, I. Kabakov, E. Bulatov, I. Chuykov, V. Pivovarov. The motif of a window is viewed as a search for new decisions in compositions and semantics of space.
Key words: Moscow Conceptual School, motif of a window.
1. Bobrinskaya E. A. Kontseptualizm. M.: Galart, 1994. 216 s.
2. Bulatov E. V. Zhivu dal’she: stat’i, interv’yu. M.: Artist. Rezhisser. Teatr., 2009. 223 s.
3. Vasil’yev O. Okna pamyati. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2005. 272 s.
4. Degot’ E. Russkoe iskusstvo XX veka. M.: Trilistnik, 2002. 224 s.
5. Monastyrskiy A. Slovar’ terminov moskovskoy kontseptual’noy shkoly. M.: Ad Margenem, 1999. 221 s.
6. Pivovarov V. D. Yedoki limonov: katalog vystavki. M.: XL Galereya, 2006. 177 s.
7. Ivan Chuikov: а catalogue published on the occasion of the Exhibition Ivan Chuikov. Labyrinths, November 2 — December 5, 2010. Moscow museum of modern art / auth.: Yuriy Albert et al.; comp. by Mila Bredikhina; ed. by Maria Bodryagina, Victoria Klyueva. М.: Regina gallery, 2010. 421 р.