V. B. Panteleyeva
Price: 50 руб.
Today regional traditions in the fashion world attract increasing interest, including
Chinese traditional costume, which was a compound customary symbolic and decorative complex over the history of China. The beginning of the 20th century in China was characterised by the change of historical periods, economic, social and cultural reforms, which found their reflection in appearance and clothing of Chinese women.
Key words: Chinese women’s costume, fashion history, qipao dress, Shanghai in the
beginning of the 20th century.
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2. Li Mei zhu. Siandai niuzhuang zhiyuan. 1920 niandai
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3. Kazuko Ono. Chinese Women in a Century of Revolution, 1850–1950. Stanford University Press: 1989. 255 s.
4. U Hao Zhu. Zhonggo fungyu fushi yu sheeti geming
(«Revolyutsiya v kitayskom zhenskom kostyume (1911–1935)»). Shanghai: Dongfang chu ban zhong xin, 2008. 302 s