S. V. Gorobets
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is dedicated to the American period of life and creation of the Russian pianist Alexander Ilyich Siloti, which lasted from 1922 until 1945, till the musician’s death. The author of the paper relies mainly on her own translation of Charles Barber’s monograph, which is thus far the only book covering this life period of Siloti. The author of the paper analyses the performing activity of the pianist, mentiones the programmes of solo, chamber, and orchestra concerts, and describes Siloti’s pedagogical work in the Juilliard School.
Key words: Siloti, America, concerts, friends, school.
1. Av’yerino N. K. Pamyati A. I. Ziloti // Novyi zhurnal / pod red. M. M. Karpovicha. N’yu-York. 1946. № 12. URL: rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3550511 (data obrashcheniya: 11.01.2015).
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8. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ6TCZH8uA0
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