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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 11 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015.

Some Notes on the Iconography of Agnus Dei as part of the Holy Doors Centerpiece

P. V. Zapadalova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the image of Christ Child resting on the discos under the canopy of the Holy Doors while being worshipped by the angels. Author reviews compositions on fi ve canopies dated from 15th to early 18th centuries containing the image of Agnus Dei. Analysis of the compositions allows determining the criteria of interpretation of the paintings, also present in the monumental art, fabric’s design and religious vessels, by the artists constructing the Holy Doors. Use of Agnus Dei image in the iconography,
which was placed in the altar and the most scared items of the liturgical ritual, signifi es the special role reserved to the holy doors by the interior decorators of cathedrals. Surrounded by other compositions, the image of Agnus Dei, which is placed at the very top of the Holy Doors, bears a special meaning. Combined with the image of Eucharist it had become part of detailed “iconographic commentary” to the content of Liturgy as embodied in the Holy Doors Centerpiece.
Keywords: Agnus Dei, altar, discos, iconography, late Middle Ages, canopy, Holy Doors.
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