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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 11 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015.

The Group of «Eleven»: A Window Motif in the Paintings of Leningrad Artists of the Second Half of the 20th century

N. R. Aminova
Price: 50 руб.
 Article explores the motif of a window in paintings of the Leningrad artists, members of the «Eleven». Group. Motif of a window is one of the unifying and characteristic features of the group, with philosophy and lyrics being the core of their artwork.
Keywords: Group of “Eleven», motive of a window, Russian painting of the second half of the 20th century.
1. Volkogonov S. A. Boris Ivanovich Shamanov. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1991.
135 s.
2. Ivanov S. V. Neizvestnyi sotsrealizm. Leningradskaya shkola. SPb.: NP-Print,
2007. 447 s.
3. Kagan M. S. O romanticheskom // Tvorchestvo. 1973. № 11. S. 12–14.
4. Korzukhin A. Natyurmort segodnya // Tvorchestvo. 1973. № 7. S. 7–10.
5. Mochalov L. V. Viktor Teterin. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1982. 96 s.
6. Mochalov L. V. Vystavka proizvedeniy dvadtsati shesti leningradskikh i moskovskikh
khudozhnikov. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1990. 83 s.
7. Mochalov L. V. German Yegoshin. SPb.: Khudozhnik Rossii, 1994. 88 s.
8. Serebryanaya V. Yaroslav Igorevich Krestovskiy. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987.
144 s.
9. Fraykopf G. Bessonnitsa Vitaliya Tyuleneva. L.: ICAR, 1996. 62 s.
10. Fraykopf G. «Odinnadtsat’» ili sozvezdie Tau-kita. L.: ICAR, 1996. 126 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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