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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 11 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015.

Evolution of the GULAG Workforce in the European North of Russia in Post-War Years

A. N. Kustyshev
Price: 50 руб.
 Article presents analysis of the statistical material in labor cards of prisoners. Research efforts in this direction allow showing the dynamics of the GULAG workforce in the European North of Russia in the post-war years. One of the major parameters considered in the article is the proportion of the prisoners fi t for a hard and moderate labor. The author demonstrates that defi ciency of the full-fl edged labor resources involved in production process was a persistent problem of GULAG and essentially limited its mobilization capacity.
Keywords: labour force of the GULAG, post-war years, use of labour, prisoner.
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10. Sistema ispravitel’no-trudovykh lagerey v SSSR, 1923–1960: Spravochnik.
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11. Upadyshev N. V. GULAG na Arkhangel’skom Severe: 1919–1953 gody / Pomor.
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12. Khlevnyuk O. V. Ekonomika OGPU-NKVD-MVD SSSR v 1930–1953 gg.:
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M.: ROSSPEN, 2008. S. 67–89.
13. Ertts S. Lagernaya sistema v 1930–1950-e gg.: evolyutsiya struktury i
prin¬tsipov upravleniya // GULAG: ekonomika prinuditel’nogo truda. M.: ROSSPEN,
2008. S. 90–128.
Price: 50 рублей
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