N. M. Karavaeva, V. A. Larionova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper proposes the new concept of “added value of a commercial real estate
development project”, which is the basis of the method of calculating a special criterion — the added value growth coeffi cient for commercial real estate development projects. Consideration of this criterion helps to make more informed management decisions on further participation or non-participation of the developer / investor in subsequent stages of the project.
Key words: development project, profi tability of a project, added value of
a development project, investment costs.
1. Standarty otsenki, obyazatel’nye k primeneniyu sub’yektami otsenochnoy deyatel’nosti: Postanov-lenie Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 6 iyulya 2001 № 519 // Spravochno-pravovaya sistema «Konsul’tantPlyus». URL: www.consultant.ru
2. Federal’nyi zakon ot 29 iyulya 1998 g. № 135-FZ «Ob otsenochnoy deyatel’nosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami) // Spravochno-pravovaya sistema «Konsul’tantPlyus». URL: www.consultant.ru