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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015


W. Kettle
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the textual analysis and comparison between the two versions of the music-theatrical work by H. Villa-Lobos – “Magdalena – A musical adventure”  (1948). The problem of comparing the two versions of “Magdalena” – the author’s one (close to the opera genre) and the version adapted for Broadway (as a musical) – is solved in this article in two ways: through the fxation of changes in the original text, and through the analysis of these changes in terms of drama – in the libretto and music. The example of No. 1 of the frst Act shows the destruction of the composition and drama by the co-authors of Villa-Lobos, who adapted “Magdalena” for Broadway, and considerable simplifcations of the musical text, which completely changed the work as a musical whole.
Key words: H. Villa-Lobos, “Magdalena”, Brazilian opera, American Musical Theater, 
Broadway, autograph, full score, reduction for piano and voice.
References and Sources
1. Biancolli L. Triumph for Cast and Villa-Lobos [Magdalena an All-Round Hit]. New York World-Telegram. 21 Sept. 1948.
2. Guérios P. R. Heitor Villa-Lobos: o caminho sinuoso da predestinação. 2 ed. Curitiba: Edição do autor, 2009. 324 p.: il. p.
3. Haile E. Interv’yu avtoru nastoyashchey raboty. SShA, N’yu-York. 29 iyulya 2013 goda. Audiozapis’.
4. Salles P. T. Villa-Lobos: processos composicionais. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2009. 263 p.
5. Wright R., Forrest G. Necessary revisions for the production of Magdalena. [Prilozhenie k pis’mu R. Rayta i Dzh. Foresta E. Villa-Lobosu. Avgust 1948]. MVL-FE4118 [Muzey E. Villa-Lobosa v Rio-de-Zhaneyro]. Mashinopis’.12 p.
6. Wright R., Forrest G. Magdalena. A musical adventure. [Tekst bukleta kompakt-diska] New-York: STD, 1988. 11 p. 
7. Wright R., Forrest G. Magdalena. A musical adventure. [Libretto] New-York: 5 Sept. 1988. 105 p. MVL P.220.3.1
Price: 50 рублей
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