V. A. Knaub, A. V. Leopa, A. V. Chumakov, A. G. Yanus,
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The subject of philosophical research of the article is the historical myth-construct. The authors consider historical roots of historical myths’ forming, features of their forming at the present stage using the possibilities of modern cognitive technologies. Particular attention is paid to the specifc nature of historical myths’ designing in the modern conditions of crisis: the possibility of using myths-constructs both for society consolidation, search for a national identity, and for destruction of the existing society in the interests of certain political forces. The priority in choosing a philosophical research method is given to the phenomenological hermeneutic method of E. Husserl, A. Losev and H.-G. Gadamer, who considered a myth as a historically conditioned state of consciousness. Construction of historical myths accompanied mankind throughout its history, but it is the modern era that is characterised by artifcial construction of history. Myths-constructs are perceived by public consciousness as true historical knowledge. This is due to the fact that the roots of myths are in the depths of history and traditions. A myth is seen as the primary human reality, as the initial form of experiencing the world.
Key words: construction, history, historical myths, myths-constructs, society, state,
ideology, nationalism, globalisation, cosmopolitanism, social crisis.
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