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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015


V. I. Strelchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 Due to relativisation of the basic principles of science (mathematics, logic, physics),
fundamentally new ideas about truth and reality, as compared to the previous ones,
appeared in the 20th and early 21st centuries. In the context of criticism of the classical
conception of truth, its non-classical versions (linguistic, pragmatic, existential and
hermeneutic) were formed. The spread of the “pluralism of opinions” principle in the
area of identifi cation of truth values turned out to result in the loss of the epistemological meaning of truth as the absolute goal and value of knowledge, its subordination to the arbitrariness of subjective individual or group interests.
Key words: truth, ontology, epistemology, classical conception of truth, linguistic
conception of truth, pragmatic conception of truth, existential and hermeneutic
conception of truth.
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