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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №10 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2014.

Thermal FEM-Based Procedure for Design of EnergyEffi cient Underground Cable Lines

D. Klimenta, B. Perovic, M. Jevtic, J. Radosavljevic, N. Arsic
Price: 50 руб.
 The main scope of this paper is to propose a thermal FEM-based procedure to determine continuously permissible loads of underground cable lines based on the concept of effi cient electric energy transmission and elimination of the inaccuracy induced by inadequate solution domain size. The proposed procedure: (i) suggests a detailed instruction on correct electrical and thermal modeling of cable construction elements, (ii) systemizes the existing concepts for determination of the required axial
spacings between cables in trefoil formation and dimensions of the cable bedding, and (iii) includes all the knowledge arising from the former application of different FEM software solutions in the thermal analysis of underground cable lines. Standards IEC 60287 and Technical Report IEC TR 62095 served as references for the conception of the present procedure. The application of the given procedure is discussed within the example of double-circuit 110 kV cable line installed in Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: continuously permissible load, doublecircuit cable line, fi nite element
method, steady-state analysis, thermal design.
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Price: 50 рублей
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