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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

Formal and informal political communicat ion in Russia’s power relat ions system in 2008–2012

A. V. Tikhonov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article presents a study of the ratio and features of formal and informal political
communication. The author considers formal and informal aspects of interaction and
mutual influence of the President and Prime Minister of Russia.
Key words: information and communication systems, informal communication, formal
communication, President, Prime Minister.
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3. Kadrovyi rezerv Medvedeva gotov zamenit’ deystvuyushchikh chinovnikov: pervymi mesta osvobodyat
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4. Kurennoy V. Vlast’ kak kommunikatsiya / Zhurnal’ny zal. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/
5. Malakanova O. A. Politicheskaya kommunikatsiya. URL: http://my.samara.ru/~soc/stat/28760.
6. O formirovanii rezerva upravlencheskikh kadrov / Sayt prezidenta Rossii. URL: http://www.kremlin.
7. Politicheskie kommunikatsii: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vuzov / pod red. A. I. Solov’yeva. M.:
Aspekt Press, 2004. 332 s.
8. Chetvertyi reyting politicheskoy vyzhivaemosti gubernatorov / Mezhdunarodnyi institut politicheskoy
ekspertizy. URL: http:// www.stratagema.org/exclusive/rates/rate_289.html
9. Inopressa: «Tandemokratiya» Putina i Medvedeva terpit krakh, terpenie rossiyan na predele / Newsru.
com: lenta novostey. URL: www.newsru.com /russia/23feb2009/krakh.html
Price: 50 рублей
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