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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

Psychodiagnostic resources of the method “Phases of Career Decision-Making” by A. Hirschi and D. Läge in studying the career readiness of university graduates

I. M. Bogdanovskaya, N. B. Lisovskaya, E. V. Troschinina
Price: 50 руб.
 The authors of the paper test the Russian version of the technique based on the model of career decision-making by A. Hirschi and D. Läge. Psychodiagnostic resources of the method are studied by relating the phases of career decision-making with motivational and cognitive components of career readiness. External validity of the method is confirmed in the correlation analysis of the sequence phase (phase of career decision) with motivational attitudes of research participants. The analysis of variance revealed that the indicators of career motivation significantly differ depending on the phase of making career decisions. The results show that determination of the six phases of career decision-making on a sample of Russian students can be considered as a prognostic parameter of the motivational component of career readiness.
Key words: rapid diagnostic method, method testing, phase of career decision, career
readiness, career motivation, career orientation.
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2. Lisovskaya N. B. Kar’yernaya gotovnost’ vypusknika vuza: monografiya. SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU
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3. Lisovskaya N. B., Smolina T. L., Troshchinina E. A. Gotovnost’ studenta pedagogicheskogo vuza
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4. Lisovskaya N. B., Smolina T. L., Troshchinina E. A. Tekhnologii formirovaniya kar’yernoy gotovnosti
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5. Lisovskaya N. B., Smolina T. L., Troshchinina E. A. Osobennosti formirovaniya kar’yernoy gotovnosti
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7. Lisovskaya N. B., Troshchinina E. A. Sposobnost’ k samoprezentatsii kak faktor kar’yernoy gotovnosti
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11. Hirschi A., Lage D. (2007) The relation of secondary students career-choice readiness to a six-phase
model of career decision making // Journal of Career Development. 2007. № 34 (2). Р. 164–191.
Price: 50 рублей
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