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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

Unknown autograph of Alexander Siloti

S. V. Gorobets
Price: 50 руб.
 The funds of the Manuscript Division of the Russian National Library contain a unique
edition of autographs of well-known musicians, such as Glazunov, Cui, Lyadov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Balakirev and other, collected from 1900 till 1917. Among them there is anautograph of Alexander Ilyich Siloti, a pianist, conductor, public figure of the early 20th century. The paper presents the text of this autograph (never published before) and some episodes of life confirming the words of the autograph. The author characterises Siloti’s activity in the Petersburg period of his creative life.
Key words: concert, performer, Tchaikovsky, Komissarzhevskaya, letter.
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1963. 457 s.
6. Ziloti V. P. V dome Tret’yakova: memuary / vst. st. M. L. Gavlina. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1992. 256 s.
7. Otdel rukopisey Rossiyskoy natsional’noy biblioteki (OR RNB). F. 459 (A. G. Maksimov i M. K.
Maksimova). Sobranie avtografov raznykh lits. 1900–1917 gg. Ed. khr. 1.
8. OR RNB. F. 816 (N. F. Findeyzen). Op.1. Ed. khr. 679.
9. OR RNB. F. 1000. Sobranie otdel’nykh postupleniy. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 627.
10. Prokof’yev S. S. Materialy, doklady, vospominaniya. M., 1956. 345 s.
11. Shcherbacheva M. N. S. Prokof’yev v kontsertakh A. Ziloti (iz istorii simfonicheskikh kontsertov v
Mariinskom teatre v sezon 1915–1916 gg.) // Tri veka Peterburga: muzykal’nye stranitsy: sb. statey i tezisov /
sost. i nauch. red. Guseynova Z. M. SPb., 2003. 233 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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