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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

The va lue of documenta ry sources of informati on for esta blishing a way of committi ng fraud in the sphere of consumer lending

N. A. Kostikova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the most common ways of preparing, committing and concealing
fraud in the sphere of lending and some aspects of their revealing with the help
of documents. Based on the current research, the author comes to a conclusion that
documents are the main source of information about the mechanism of committing fraud in the sphere of consumer lending, and only their competent research would make it possible to identify the fraudster.
Key words: fraud in the sphere of lending, way of committing fraud, consumer credit,
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S. 87–93.
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5. Federal’nyi zakon «O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ugolovnyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii i otdel’nye
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// URL: http://www.pravo.gov.ru
Price: 50 рублей
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