R. А. Serebryanyi
Price: 50 руб.
The article updates the theme of the revival of patriotic television for young people.
This is explained by the fact that the last decades of the life of Russian society were
marked with a sharp change of ideology and aggravation of conflcts between the older
and younger generations. The entertainment industry dominates in modern Russia, and this means that television, as well as other sectors of the media, does not implement the full range of its functions as a social institution. TV channels offer entertaining media content to the young audience, and political socialisation of youth as an object of state information policy is implemented in a fragmented manner. The condition of the state youth policy is largely determined by information cooperation between state authorities, mass media and youth. The concept of youth policy must be available and be interactive in nature. This can be achieved by updating the theme of patriotism on television and creating a special patriotic youth television channel.
Key words: journalism, youth, youth channel, patriotism, media content.
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