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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Uneven development theory and contemporary globalisati on

V. S. Gritsenko, V. V. Orlov
Price: 50 руб.
 The general law of capitalist accumulation revealed by K. Marx and the theory of uneven development formulated by V. I. Lenin are analysed in the article in accordance with contemporary globalisation and information society. Considering J. Stiglitz’s works, the authors of the article come to certain conclusions on the development strategy for modern Russia.
Key words: globalisation, general law of capitalist accumulation, uneven development.
1. Informatsionnaya revolyutsiya / Cyberforum.ru – forum programmistov i sisadminov. URL: www.cyberforum.
ru/news/thread242114.html (data obrashcheniya: 15.05.2011).
2. Kagarlitskiy B. Yu. Marksizm: vvedenie v sotsial’nuyu i politicheskuyu teoriyu. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop.
M.: Knizhnyi dom «LIBROKOM», 2012. 320 s.
3. Lenin V. I. Imperializm kak vysshaya stadiya kapitalizma // PSS, 5 izd., t. 27. S. 299–426.
4. Marks K. Kapital. T. 1. // Marks K., Engel’s F. Soch., 2-e izd. T. 23. 907 s.
5. Stiglits Dzh. Revushchie devyanostye. Semena razvala. M.: Sovremennaya ekonomika i pravo, 2005.
424 s.
6. Khoros V. G. Postindustrial’nyi mir – ozhidaniya i real’nost’ (k postanovke problemy) // Postindustrial’nyi
mir i Rossiya. M.: Editorial URSS, 2001. S. 10–24.
7. Khudokormov A. Dzhozef Stiglits – lider «informatsionnoy ekonomiki» i «novogo keynsianstva» //
Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. 2008. № 3–4. S. 45–67.
8. Greig A., Hulme D., Turner M. Challenging global inequality: development theory and practice in the
21 century. London; New York Canberra, 2007. 296 р.
Price: 50 рублей
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