A. A. Isakov
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OpenMVL project is a research project dedicated to mathematical problems of modeling and simulation of complex dynamical systems based on systems of algebraic-differential equations. In this article open source tool of OpenMVLShell is represented. By model speci fi cation (in Model Vision Language), OpenMVLShell automatically builds, analyzes, reduces, and solves systems of algebraic-differential equations. The numerical software of OpenMVLShell is available for augmenting by users. User can test and compare effi ciency of his own methods with OpenMVLShell’s methods using built-in sequence of test problems. It was interesting to compare built-in solvers with DASPK solver because the latter allows more general form of differential-algebraic equations and uses Krylov subspace-based projection methods for solution of linear systems of algebraic equations. After numerical experiments DASPK was embedded in OpenMVLShell numerical library. By using special class of tests it was shown that DASPK’s iterative methods with different preconditioners
may be recommended for simulation of large sparse models
Keywords: simulation environments, standards, package design, simulation languages, techniques, problem solvers, numerical methods, iterative methods.
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