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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Ideology оf Corporate Responsibility to the Society. Sustainable Development as a Tool of Forming a Positive Image of Tncs

M. N. Milovzorova
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the issues of introducing the ideological concepts of corporate responsibility to the society and transferring sustainable development ideas into business environment. The author suggests that those ideological concepts serve as a tool of mind control, as well as an instrument of impacting policies of domestic and international stockholders. Emphasis on PR component of corporate campaigns within the above ideological notions is noted. The article also exposes double standards concerning normative requirements of sustainable development
imposed on the so-called developing nations.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, forming corporate
1. Zinov'yev A. A. Na puti k sverkhobshchestvu. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2000.
2. Morgan G. Imidzhi organizatsii: vosem’ modeley organizatsionnogo razvitiya /
per. s angl. M:Vershina, 2006.
3. Sayt Organizatsii Ob’yedinennykh Natsiy. URL: www.un.org
Price: 50 рублей
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