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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Russia and the West: Origins of Antagonism and Perspectives of Building an Intercultural Dialogue in the Context of the New Realities of the 21st Century

N. V. Rudskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article explores the viability of conducting intercultural dialogue in the process of transformation of the western cultural values and an increasingly aggressive expansion
of the West towards Russia. The analysis of the underlying causes and origins of a discord between Russia and the West is based on Russian metaphysics concepts, as described in the writings of conservative Russian thinkers.
Keywords: transformation of values, metaphysical nihilism, mundialist strategy, eschatology, Danilevsky, Ilyin, Vandam, Tyutchev.
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1996. 288 s.
9. Narochnitskaya N. A. Rossiya i russkie v mirovoy istorii. M.: Mezhdunar. otnosheniya,
2005. 536 s.
10. Novgorodtsev P. I. Ob obshchestvennom ideale. M.: Izdvo «Pressa». 1991.
S. 3–525.
11. Stepin V. S. Tsivilizatsiya i kul’tura. SPb.: SPbGUP, 2011. 408 s.
12. Tyutchev F. I. Rossiya i Zapad. M.: Kul’turnaya revolyutsiya; Respublika, 2007.
574 s.
13. Shubart Val’ter. Yevropa i dusha Vostoka. M.: Izd-vo Eksmo,2003. 480 s.
14. Yannaras Khristos. Tserkov’ v postkommunisticheskoy Yevrope // URL: Lib.
Price: 50 рублей
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