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"University Research Journal" № 2, 2012

Russian-English Bilingualism as a Russian Cultural Phenomenon of the Last Quarter of the 18th Century and Early 19th CenturyT. V. Kovaleva

T. V. Kovaleva
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes the period of English infl uence on the Russian social fabric from the last quarter of the 17th century to early 20th century and Russian-English bilingualism as a Russian cultural phenomenon. The author’s conclusion is that most of the Englishinspired innovations failed to take root in the Russian culture because of the domination of the Russian-French bilingualism.
Keywords: Russian society, Russian intellectuals, Anglophilia, wide-spread and individual bilingualism, Russian-English Bilingualism, Russian-French bilingualism
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Price: 50 рублей
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