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Humanities and Science University Journal № 65 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Evolution of Color in Chinese Screen Art and its Meaning in the Framework of the Wenren Culture

Zhang Wenpu
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 The Pingfeng fl oor screen is an important element of the objective-
spatial environment in the life of the ancient Chinese, and also it 
is a unique art form closely associated with the Wenren culture 
of scholars and intellectuals. The colors of the pingfeng screen, 
intended for educated writers and artists, have particular specifi -
city. This paper is devoted to the study of the evolution processes 
and the meaning of color in the art of the screen in the framework 
of the Wenren culture. 
Keywords: Pingfeng floor screen, culture of the scholars and intellectuals 
Wenren, color.
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