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Humanities and Science University Journal № 65 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Metamorphoses of Cyclical Baroque Musical Forms in Selected Works of XIX–XX Centuries

A.Yu. Shpagina
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This paper examines universal Baroque cyclical genres. The Baroque era with its established functional vocal and dance genres, which inevitably lost their signifi cance together with the tradition that had generated them, created new universal and 
artifi cial genres. They were destined not only to outlast the time, but via constant transformations to have a marvelous ability to be redefi ned and to converge with other genres. 
Keywords: Baroque music, baroque genres, the interpretation of music, J. S. Bach, 
S. Frank, M. Reger, G. Korchmar
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7. Shpagina A. Yu. Prelomlenie barochnykh tendentsiy v instrumental’nom tvorchestve 
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