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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Russian Fixed Similes with a Zoonym Component Characterizing a Way of Life, Living Conditions, Circumstances (in comparison with the Chinese language)

Zhou Yang
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The paper is devoted to identifying the linguocultural features of Russian and Chinese fi xed similes with a zoonym component, characterizing a way of life, living conditions, and circumstances. The paper examines semantics, component composition, standards, grounds for comparison, and peculiarities of the functioning of Russian fi xed similes with respect to Chinese analogues in the linguistic and cultural aspects. The analysis of the linguistic material of the two languages and the data of the Russian National Corpus showed that the differences in the choice of standards and the axiological vector of similes are due to originality of cultural traditions and peculiarities of the national mentality.
Keywords: fixed similes, zoonym component, lifestyle, living conditions, circumstances, 
cultural linguistics.
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