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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Prepared Piano: in Search of New Timbre

Sun Jiayan
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The twentieth century in the history of musical art will remain as an age of numerous innovations. Avant-garde composers are actively experimenting and discovering new possibilities of the musical language, composition techniques and forms. Multiple innovations in music are closely related to the change in the consciousness of society during the period of scientifi c discoveries that transform the usual ideas about the world. 
Innovative trends have affected the interpretation of musical instruments. On the one hand, new electronic musical ones are created: thereminvox (1920), trautonium (1928), Ondes Martenot (1928), Variophone (1931), the music for them was composed by E. Varиse, A. Honegger, D. Milhaud, O. Messiaen, B. Herrmann, H. Genzmer, A. Rybnikov, and the others. On the other hand, old instruments are modifi ed. Due to intervention in the design of the piano, a prepared piano appeared, the specifi cs of which are considered in this paper.
Keywords: piano, preparation, timbre, sound, instrument, sonorics, noise.
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