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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Font as a Drawing (China and Russia)

Li Ningxuan
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The paper examines development of calligraphy of «fl owers and birds», Russian initial letter and artistic styles from different points of view. Chinese «fl owers and birds» calligraphy (a genre of Chinese calligraphy) and Russian lettering are one of the examples of the calligraphy art in the two countries. By comparing and analyzing these two forms of calligraphy, you can fi nd the essence of the art of calligraphy under the infl uence of different cultures. How the combination of Chinese calligraphy and «fl owers and birds» painting in comparison with the Russian alphabet reflects the national culture of China and Russia, and consequently forms aesthetic feelings.
Keywords: calligraphy of “flowers and birds”, initial letter, art, national culture, artistic 
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