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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Semantics of the Artistic Language of E. A. Kibrik from the Period 1931–1932 in the Illustrations for D. I. Lavrukhin’s Book «In the Footsteps of the Hero»

O. G. Chichvarina
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The study on formation of E. A. Kibrik’s artistic language during the work on a series of illustrations for the novel by D. I. Lavrukhin «In the footsteps of the hero» (1931–1932) is of special interest. His development took place on the basis of the following issues: interstyle correlation, which is a mutual relationship of two different (in their depth) styles, cognitive deformities, revealing the essence of the bifurcated worldview of E. A. Kibrik within the period 1930–1934, semantics of artistic language, which is the meaning, some deep revelation of the essence of the creative credo of the artist and his duality of personality development, specifi ed by the scope of the graphic artist’s worldview and his exposure to. Оthe external infl uence of artistic movements and trends.
Keywords: interstyle correlation, cognitive deformities, artistic language semantics, 
personality duality, semiological reading, multivector.
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