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Humanities and Science University Journal № 61 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Myths, Tools and Concepts — Changes of Musical Images in European Painting

Feng Tiancong
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Throughout the history of Western art, music has always been an eternal theme in painting. Retrospectively, it is not diffi cult to fi nd that the role of music in the history of painting has been constantly changing over time. This paper aims to study the evolving relationship between the musical image and musicality of the works of visual art, and selects three different types of paintings as the material to support the author’s point of view. The content of the paper is structured as follows: the fi rst section considers the musical images in the European mythological paintings; the second section studies still life paintings of musical instruments, represented by intarsia and Vanitas, analyzes peculiarities in their musical images. The third section presents a review of the infl uence of photography on painting as well as the analysis of musical images in abstract painting. Through the analysis and systematization of the musical images according to the abovementioned structure, the paper provides a new perspective on the history of European painting and emphasizes the role of music in its development.
Keywords: painting, musical image, musical instrument, musicality, art history.
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