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Humanities and Science University Journal № 61 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Imagery of Contemporary Chinese and Russian Watercolor Painting

Zhang Weijian
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The freehand style of Xie Yi as an important form of expression of Chinese traditional painting demonstrates a clear oriental character in the works and has a poetic artistic concept. Russian contemporary watercolor painting receives a new development on the basis of the forms of realistic painting, forming a pictorial language expressing feelings with more generalized techniques. In this paper, by comparing the similarities and differences in the expressive forms of the contemporary Chinese and Russian watercolor painting, the author carries out the analysis on the origin of the imagery in watercolor painting in the two countries. This topic seems particularly relevant to the era of the constant development of humanitarian exchange between China and Russia.
Keywords: watercolor painting, painting style, artistic exchange, work of art.
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