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Humanities and Science University Journal № 61 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Vocal Chamber Music by Russian Composers in I. P. Bogacheva’s Interpretation

Li Shusi
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The paper is devoted to achievements of the prominent Russian opera singer - Irina P. Bogacheva - in the fi eld of vocal chamber music by Russian composers. Special attention is paid to several aspects: dramaturgy, I. Bogacheva’s interpretation of poetic and musical texts, analysis of their intertextual ties, expressive devices and intonation solutions describing a character. The author focuses on studying Shostakovich’s vocal cycles which were incredibly performed by I. Bogacheva on both national and international stages. The emphasis is made on analyzing the opera singer’s art by Chinese vocalists.
Keywords: vocal chamber music, Russian romance song, poetry, culture, vocal, artistry, artistic image, interpretation. 
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Price: 0 рублей
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