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Humanities and Science University Journal № 59 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Specifi city of Creative Activity of Vasily Mate in the History of Studying Printed Graphics at the Stieglitz Academy

I. S. Golikova
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In the framework of the relationship between tradition and modernity, the author analyzed the creative activity of the famous Russian graphic artist Vasily Vasilyevich Mate at the Baron Stieglitz Central School of Technical Drawing. The research methodology 
is built in accordance with the principles of the activity approach, where the main emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the study of printed graphics in the situation of forming ideas about graphics as a special form of art.
Keywords: Vasily Mate, history of graphics, art education, Stieglitz Academy, Baron 
Stieglitz School.
1. Benua A. N. Zadachi grafi ki // Iskusstvo i pechatnoe delo. 1910. № 2–3. S. 41–48.
2. Buchkin P. D. O tom, chto v pamyati. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1962. 250 s.
3. Gollerbakh E. F. Istoriya gravyury i litografi i v Rossii. M.; Pg.: Gos. izd-vo , 
1923. 217 s.
4. Ivanov N. A. Prepodavatel’skaya deyatel’nost’ Vasiliya Vasil’yevicha Mate // 50 let 
grafi cheskim pechatnym masterskim : vystavka rabot studentov iz fondov kafedr risunka 
i stankovoy i knizhnoy grafi ki perioda 1957–2007 gg. : ot Mate v dvadtsat’ pervyi vek : 
katalog. SPb.: SPGKHPA im. A. L. Shtiglitsa, 2007. S. 22–25.
5. Ostroumova-Lebedeva A. P. Avtobiografi cheskie zapiski. M.: Izobrazitel’noe 
iskusstvo, 1974. 1130 s.
6. Pavlov I. N. Zhizn’ russkogo gravera. M.: Izd-vo Akademii khudozhestv SSSR, 
1963. 302 s.
7. Pavlov I. N. Moya zhizn’ i vstrechi. M.: Iskusstvo, 1949. 345 s.
8. Radlov N. E. Sovremennaya russkaya grafi ka i risunok, I // Apollon. 1913. № 6. 
S. 5–23.
9. Radlov N. E. Sovremennaya russkaya grafi ka i risunok, II. // Apollon. 1913. № 7. 
S. 5–22.
10. Fedorova V. I. V. V. Mate i ego ucheniki. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1982. 208 s.
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