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Humanities and Science University Journal № 59 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

D. D. Kabalevsky’s Piano Suite “In the Pioneer Camp” Op. 3/86

Ge Chang
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The paper considers one of the least played piano cycle by D. D. Kabalevsky. The author reveals signifi cance of the suite “In the Pioneer Camp” for China’s young pianists. It is stated that this composition represents the historical value which refl ects the spirit of the epoch. Besides, every piece of the suite is analyzed methodologically, which can help Chinese piano teachers to master the style of the Russian composer. 
Keywords: musician, pianist, pioneers, suite, performance, concert titles, tempo, dynamics, articulation.
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5. Metner N. Povsednevnaya rabota pianista i kompozitora. M.: Muzyka, 2013. 62 s.
6. Smirnova M., Shtrom A. A. Neprekhodyashchaya tsennost’ detskoy muzyki 
D. B. Kabalevskogo kak predmeta osvoeniya yunymi pianistami v detskikh 
muzykal’nykh shkolakh i shkolakh iskusstv // Muzykal’noe iskusstvo i obrazovanie. 
2019. T. 7. № 3. 147 s.
Price: 0 рублей
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