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Humanities and Science University Journal № 55 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Image of St. Petersburg by Chinese Watercolor Painters in Russia (Professor Dou Fengzhi of the Academy of Fine Arts of Qingdao University)

Xie Yueyue
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This paper is devoted to studying the image of St. Petersburg in 
the watercolors of the Chinese artist who traveled around Russia. 
They refl ected the luxurious architecture of Nevsky Prospect, bronze 
sculptures symbolizing history, the coast of the Gulf of Finland and 
countryside landscapes. The unique artistic experience and water-
color works dedicated to St. Petersburg were depicted in the special 
artistic logic of the master. This paper represents the study of offi cial 
reviews and critical art essays by Russian and Chinese artists on the 
works of Dou Fengzhi, as well as analyzes the artist’s watercolors. 
This will allow us to draw conclusions about the artistic and scientifi c 
value of the work of the watercolorist who studied in Russia in a new 
direction, which has been formed in the modern era
Keywords: China, Russia, watercolor, image of St. Petersburg, artistic directions.
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