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Humanities and Science University Journal № 53 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Images of Children in Soviet Films of the War Period

Yu. G. Voronetskaya-Sokolova
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The article explores the interpretation of the children’s image in Soviet fi lms of the war period. The image of a teenage child appears more than once in feature fi lms created during the Great Patriotic War. The teenage child’s image is the image of hope and the future of the fi ghting country, on the other hand this image is opposed to the destructive chaos of the war.  Analysing short stories from military fi lm collections and a number 
of feature fi lms, one can come to a conclusion that the authors creating these images mainly relied on achievements of the Soviet mass culture which had been formed over several decades, as well as on folk art, life descriptions and documentary principles.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, cinema, children’s image, archetype
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