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Humanities and Science University Journal № 53 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Calendar and Its Miniatures in Psalters and Books of Hours of France in the 13th — Early 15th Centuries

V. A. Vasiagina
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The paper is devoted to the calendar section in French psalters and books of hours of the 13th — early 15th centuries, in particular, miniatures of this section. The calendar in Gothic France was an essential tool of chronology, that is why many typical books 
of the time contain calendars and their miniatures. But the most illustrative example are the common manuscripts of the late Middle Ages — psalters and books of hours. Today, manuscripts are digitised not only by the largest national libraries in the world, but also by municipal and even university libraries. Both French Gothic psalteries and books of hours, with their beautifully illustrated calendar sections, are an important part of the book heritage, which has again been opened to the general public.
Keywords: Gothic art, book of hours, psalter, French miniature, calendar, manuscript.
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