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Humanities and Science University Journal № 51 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

The Piano Concerto No. 4 by Anton Rubinstein in Interpretations of Pianists of the Past and Present

Zeng Yiyi
Price: 50 руб.
The Piano Concerto No. 4 by Anton Rubinstein is characterised
in the paper as an outstanding phenomenon in the Russian
musical culture. The composing and performing style of Rubinstein
is analysed. The author of the paper considers the reasons
for which the composer’s concertos are rarely performed on
stage nowadays. The author also compares the interpretations
of the Concerto No. 4 by the composer himself, the Russian
pianist G. Ginzburg and American pianist J. Banowetz. The
conclusion on the importance of Rubinstein’s music is made.
Keywords: music, concerto, interpretation, epoch, style, piano, piece, performer,
composer, listener, pianist, concert platform, programme, history, modernity.
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2. Barenboym L. Anton Grigor’yevich Rubinshteyn. L.: Muzgiz, 1957. T. 1. 455 s.
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2007. S. 80–90.
5. Lyosh Kh., Brinkman F. Medlenneye i svobodneye — analiz tempa v interpretatsiyakh
russkikh pianistov // Fortepiannaya kul’tura Rossii. Istoriya i sovremennost’:
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». M., 2016. S. 163–172.
6. Kogan G. Vidennoe. Slyshannoe. Dumannoe. Delannoe. Roman moey zhizni.
M., 2019. 411 s.
7. Kogan G. Voprosy pianizma. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1968, 461 s.
8. Rabinovich D. Ispolnitel’ i stil’. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1979. Vyp. 1. 320 s.
9. Rabinovich D. Portrety pianistov. 2-e izd. M., 1970. 279 s.
10. Chinaev V. «Romanticheskaya ekspressiya» vs «novaya delovitost’»:
muzykal’noe ispolnitel’stvo v kontekste russkogo avangarda 1910–1920-kh godov //
Fortepiannaya kul’tura Rossii. Istoriya i sovremennost’: sbornik statey i materialov /
Nauchno-izdatel’skiy tsentr «Moskovskaya konservatoriya». M., 2016. S. 51–64.
Price: 50 рублей
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