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Humanities and Science University Journal № 51 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

D. Kabalevsky’s 24 Preludes for Piano and their Meaning for the Performing and Teaching Practice of China

M. V. Smirnova, Ge Chang
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to one of the brightest works of the
Soviet composer D. Kabalevsky – the cycle of piano preludes.
The traditions of the Moscow piano school were
refl ected in D. Kabalevsky’s works. The author of the paper
underlines the value of the composer’s heritage in the creative
and instructive fi elds and also the importance of introducing
his music into the modern performing and training
repertoire of Chinese students. The composer’s preludes are
systematised, and separate pieces of the cycle are analysed
in the performing and methodological aspects.
Keywords: composer, pianist, music, piano, culture, epoch, history, modernity, traditions,
folk songs, repertoire, mastery, interpretation, expressive means, technique, virtuosity.
1. Dmitriy Kabalevskiy / Klassicheskaya muzyka. URL: https://www.classic-music.
ru/kabalevsky.html (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2019).
2. Kak ispolnyat’ Rakhmaninova. M.: Klassika — XXI, 2003. 161 s.
3. Metner N. Povsednevnaya rabota pianista i kompozitora. M.: Muzyka, 2011. 62 s.
4. Neygauz G. Ob iskusstve fortepiannoy igry. M.: Gos. muz. izdat., 1961. 319 s.
5. Popova T. Russkoe pesennoe muzykal’noe tvorchestvo. M.: Muzgiz, 1982. 224 s.
6. Ravicher Ya. Vasiliy Safonov. M.: Gos. muz. izdat., 1959. 366 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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