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Humanities and Science University Journal № 51 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Postmodernism as an Art Style

Xu Qingling, M. R. Chernaya
Price: 50 руб.
The phenomenon of postmodernism is briefl y studied in the paper
in the context of philosophy and culture. The authors make a more
detailed analysis of the typological features of postmodernism as
an art style: irony, pluralism, rejection of canons, multiple layers of
meaning. Postmodernism facilitated the emergence of the original
art practices (performance, happening, fl uxus) and showed itself in
different forms of art. Inner processes, determining modernism and
postmodernism, are fundamentally different.
Keywords: postmodernism, modernism, performance, happening, fl uxus,eclecticism, pluralism, collage.
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7. Jencks Charles Alexander. The Language of Post-Modern Architecture. Rizzoli:
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10. Toynbee Arnold Joseph. A Study of History. Oxford University Press, 1934.
456 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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