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Humanities and Science University Journal № 50 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Ggraphic “aphorisms” of Boris Grigoriev. “Raseya”

V. V. Babiyak
Price: 50 руб.
The article is dedicated to the work of the outstanding Russian artist 
Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev (1886–1939), whose artistic heritage, 
insuffi ciently studied and appreciated, is put forward by the author 
among the most signifi cant fi ne art phenomena of the 20th century. 
Using the example of several graphic works from the «Raseya» (1917) 
album cycle, the author explores the style and technical features of 
B. D. Grigoriev’s drawings, reveals the artistic-fi gurative originality 
of his portrait graphics, which recreates typical characters Russian 
peasants in early XX century. The article contains statements of con-
temporaries and friends of the artist.
Keywords: fi ne art, drawing, line, artistic image.
1. Benua A. N. Aleksandr Benua razmyshlyaet… / podgot. izd., vstup. st. i komment. 
I. S. Zil’bershteyna i A. S. Savinova. M.: Sov. khudozhnik, 1968. 749 s.
2. Grigor’yev B. D. Liniya // Nashe nasledie. 1990. № 4.
3. Grigor’yev Boris. Raseya / Tekst P. E. Shchyogoleva, N. E. Radlova, Borisa 
Grigor’yeva. Peterburg [Pg.]: Izdanie V. M. Yasnogo, 1918.
4. Radlov N. E. Ot Repina do Grigor’yeva: Stat’i o russkikh khudozhnikakh. Pg.: 
Brokgauz — Efron, 1923. 59 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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