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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Music of Irkutsk Composer A. Teplyakov and Synesthesia of Its Research

S. N. Loseva
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the approach to the perception of musical 
texts using synesthesia or intersensual connections in the psyche. 
A scientifi c system of several basic concepts is built on the basis 
of a study by N. Kolyadyenko. The paper considers the practical 
analysis of the synesthetic perception of a musical text based on 
the example of the work of the Irkutsk composer A. Teplyakov. The 
basic biographical data of the composer are described. The main 
direction of the composer’s work is musical archaic nature and 
avant-garde. Among the writings of the author are: symphonic, 
vocal and choral, chamber music, works for orchestra of Russian 
folk instruments, music for theatre performances and fi lm music. 
Choral music occupies a special place in the work of the composer
Keywords: A. I. Teplyakov, vocal works, synesthesia, musical talent, musicality, spirituality, creativity, intellect.
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3. Kolyadenko N. P. Sinestetichnost’ muzykal’no-khudozhestvennogo soznaniya 
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392 s.
4. Loseva S. N. Vozrastnye i strukturnye osobennosti muzykal’noy odarennosti 
uchashchikhsya i eyo razvitie v protsesse vokal’no-khorovoy deyatel’nosti: dis. … 
kand. psikhol. nauk. Irkutsk, 2011. 149 s.
5. Perel’man N. E. V klasse royalya. SPb.: Borey, 1994. 63 s. 
6. Skvoz’ magicheskiy kristall: sbornik statey o tvorchestve kompozitorov 
Priangar’ya / sost. L. V. Yankovskaya.  Irkutsk, 2007. 82 s
Price: 50 рублей
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