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Humanities and Science University Journal № 44 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Social Composition and Motivation of Russian Administration Representatives in the Occupied West Russian Village 1941–1943

A. D. Polugodin
Price: 50 руб.
Based on a signifi cant number of documents from the state archives of Kaluga, 
Smolensk, Bryansk, Tver areas, the Federal Security Service (UFSB) archives, 
and also the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History RGASPI, the 
considerable part of which is fi rstly allowed for research, the paper analyzed 
social composition and motivation of employees of different ranks in the hierarchy 
of the civil collaborationist authorities of the West Russian village in the period of 
the Hitlerite occupation. The conclusion is drawn on a considerable diversity of 
the social complexion of collaborators who were part of the civil collaborationist 
authorities, a variety of collaborators’ motivation depending on their rank; how 
their motivation changed throughout the occupation. For instance,  the leading 
motives of headmen and foremen, who were generally natives of peasants and 
rural intellectuals, were political disorientation, unwillingness of collective-farm 
orders, aspiration situationally to adapt their life to the conditions of a “new 
order»;  whereas for a relatively small quantity of those who held higher positions 
in the civil and the collaborationist hierarchy, who were often educated people 
who had administrative experience and abilities, their choice of the party in war 
was conscious; they strongly connected this choice with the further destiny.
Keywords: collaborationism, “Russian administration bodies”, repatriation, test and filtration affairs, headman, foreman, burgomaster.
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Price: 50 рублей
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