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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Leopardi and Descartes: Dialogue with a Reader (Issues of the Fragment-Based Technique)

S. V. Balayeva
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is focused on two works created with the time gap of 
almost two centuries. These are the Discourse on the Method 
(1637) by Rene Descartes (1596–1660) and the Zibaldone (1817–
1832) by Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837). Descartes invites 
readers to ask him questions, to which he can later respond on 
the pages of the Discourse. Leopardi does not involve anyone in 
the conversation, but he talks with himself and with the authors 
of the past and the present, hereby creating a new type of letter 
with a higher degree of dialogism in his fragments.
Keywords: Descartes, Leopardi, Discourse on the Method, Zibaldone, dialogue, fragment
1. Dekart R. Rassuzhdeniya o metode. URL: http://psylib.org.ua/books/dekar01/
index.htm. (data obrashcheniya: 22.09.2018).
2. Leopardi Dzh. Rassuzhdeniya ital’yantsa o romanticheskoy poezii. URL: http://
wikilivres.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 22.09.2018).
3. D’Intino F. Oralitа e dialogicitа nello Zibaldone // Lo «Zibaldone» di Leopardi 
come ipertesto. Atti del Convegno internazionale. Barcellona, Universitat de Barcelona, 
26–27 ottobre 2012. P. 221–243.
4. Leopardi G. Zibaldone di pensieri. Pensieri di varia fi losofi a e di bella letteratura. 
Le Monnier, Firenze, 1921. 4526 p.
5. Schleiermacher F. D. E. Hermeneutik und Kritik. Berlin, 1838. URL: http://www.
deutschestextarchiv.de/book/view/schleiermacher_hermeneutik_1838?p=221 (data 
obrashcheniya: 22.09.2018).
6. Stabile G. Segreto del libro e segreto delle arti tra Medio evo e Rinascimento // 
Dante e la fi losofi a della natura. Percezioni, linguaggi, cosmologie. Firenze, Sismel. 
Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007. P. 271–316.
Price: 50 рублей
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