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Humanities and Science University Journal № 40 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Taganrog Period and its Importance in Forming a Creative Position of S. Maykapar

Liu Xiying
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the creative evolution of S.M. Maykapar 
during his music apprenticeship. The city of Taganrog historically 
has rich cultural and artistic traditions. The author describes 
the way of life in the inhabitants of Taganrog, as well as those 
changes that occurred in the system of grammar school education 
at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. It is emphasized that 
Taganrog period had a decisive effect on the formation of the 
creative creed of Maykapar.
Keywords: Taganrog, cultural traditions, family, music, grammar school (gymnasia), 
education, art, education.
1. Vol’man B. L. Samuil Moiseyevich Maykapar: ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. L.: 
Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1963. 72 s.
2. Grigoryan M. E. Arkhitektura Taganroga XIX — nachala XX vv.: etapy stilevoy 
evolyutsii i spetsifi cheskie osobennosti zhiloy zastroyki goroda: dis. … kand. iskusst-
vovedeniya. SPb., 2011. 283 s.
3. Grokhotov S. V. Muzykal’nyi bidermeyer. Epokha — stil’ — geografiya // 
Ot barokko k romantizmu: muzykal’nye epokhi i stili: estetika, poetika, ispolnitel’skaya 
interpretatsiya. Vyp. 2. M.: Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 2010. 286 s.
4. Maykapar S. M. Gody ucheniya. M.-L.: Iskusstvo, 1938. 198 s.
5. Merzlyakov A. F. Zamechaniya ob estetike // Russkie esteticheskie traktaty pervoy 
treti XIX v. M.: Iskusstvo, 1974. T. 1. 405 s.
6. Skripchenko S. N. Razvitie gosudarstvennogo gimnazicheskogo obrazovaniya 
v Rossii v kontse XIX — nachale XX vekov: na primere Bryanshchiny: dis. ... kand. 
ped. nauk. Bryansk, 2000. 205 s.
7. Chuykina S. A. Dvoryanskaya pamyat’: «byvshie» v sovetskom gorode (Lenin-
grad, 1920–30-e gg). SPb., 2006. 259 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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