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Humanities and Science University Journal № 40 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Language Game in Headlines of Contemporary English Newspaper Articles

E. A. Ivanova, S. A. Kostyushina
Price: 50 руб.
The paper analyses various means of creating a language game in the 
headlines of modern English articles. The purpose of the research is to 
identify the most frequently used techniques of creating a language game 
in the modern press. The material of the research is headlines of British 
and American newspapers published in September and October, 2017; 
the object of the research is the language game in newspaper headlines. 
The paper describes the phenomenon of the language game and its role 
in social and political journalism. The fi ndings of the quantitative and 
qualitative analysis of newspaper headlines show that lexical and phraseo-
logical means have the biggest potential for creating bright and expressive 
headlines. The paper also includes the examples of the language game 
based on phonetic, graphic and syntactic means of the English language.
Keywords: language game, headline, pun, idiomatic transformation, metaphor.
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Price: 50 рублей
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